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About me

Hello! Welcome to my little blog. I wanted to have a place to write my story about my inferility struggles. I've been married to my husband, Jeff, for 9 years and have been together for over 13 years. We've been trying to get knocked up since about 2011 right after the Bruins won the Stanley cup. We thought it would funny that if we conceived a boy we'd call him Stanley. Unfortunately, Stanley did not make an appearance that year. That same year we moved from St.Louis to Boston, and lived temporarily with his parents while we looked for a house and jobs! Talk about a lot of stress! After we moved I figured I'd just not worry about the fact that we were having unprotected sex month after month. It wasn't until last year in May 2014 that we finally got our shit together and went in to see a fertility specialist. After a consult, lots of tests, and then a follow-up, we were diagnosed with unexplained inferility. The only "issue" that really came up was that I had sub-clinical hypothyroisim, so I was put on levothyroxine to improve my levels. We did 3 rounds of clomid and IUI cycles. After a lot of ups and downs, we have finally decided to do IVF with PGS. So, follow along and see our the process goes. Remember that everyone is different and my protocol is unique to me and what my doctor has planned. I'm just hoping to pass along information that I'm learning from my own experience, as well as the community of woman I've been connecting with on Instagram. 



I'm a physical therapist by trade, and I'm also in the process of starting my own business. We live in the Greater Boston area, and have 3 furbabies, 2 cats and a dog. 

These are our 2 black kitties, Cleo and Philip, yea sometimes we can't even tell them apart. And then there's our sweet pup, Kahlua. She would like to be a cat. 



Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have. 


Hope you enjoy following along, learn something new or helpful, and find some inspiration here!




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