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My Big F**king Positive

I have been rather pre-occupied with work and......... GREAT NEWS!

It didn't feel real at first when I started to see the super faint pink line! I couldn't believe it! Some people are so good at waiting to POAS during the 2WW, but I just couldn't wait and wanted to see if something would happen. I was so happy to see the line and to know that my first Beta would be a good phone call from the RN. I've never ever had a BFP, and it's like this strange miracle; that I've achieve this right of passage into womanhood.

Here is the first week after transfer progression:

I actually was getting a very faint line at 6 days after the transfer, wonder if I would have a positive on 5 days. I actually thought it the 6 days was negative, but when I looked again a few days later it was there! I was just shocked and crying with joy. My hubby of course said to wait till after the blood test, but it's nearly impossible to get a false positive. The only way to get a false positive is if you have had a trigger shot with HCG since it does take awhile to get out of your system and can stay in for at least a week after the injection.

I also didn't spend money on expensive HPTs. Get these, they are accurate.

I had one ClearBlue HPT left and I waited to take it the morning of my first beta (I would have been devastated if an electric HPT would have been negative...).

Now, everyone's pregnancy is different, so don't be disappointed if you don't get a positive result within the 2WW.

Best of luck to those in the 2WW!!



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