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8 of my Must Haves as a New Mom

I have been rather busy since the arrive of my new baby!! She's amazing!! I still have so much to write about her delivery and arrival, but it was a bit traumatic so I've been pushing off writing about it. So, more fun and interesting things like the products I love so far with a newborn!

Every mom has a must haves list, and I've found that a few of these have seriously made the newborn transition awesome. Tessa is already sleeping between 6-8 hours, and she's only 6 weeks old now! I could be lucky with her personality, but I know some of these products I started using helped a lot!

So, a few of my favorite things:

This swaddle was a game changer for us! Tessa was sleeping about 4 hours in a stretch at night, and the first night we used this swaddle (since I forgot I had it!) she slept for 8 hours!! It definitely helps to swaddle a baby so their arms don't move. I kept waking up expecting her to start whining for a feeding, but she didn't!

If your open to co-sleeping, this is what you'll want. We initially had Tessa sleeping in a bassinet that was right next to my side of the bed. Our room isn't very big, so it was getting in the way for me getting in and out bed. Especially when I needed to pee or go to the nursery to change her diaper. I found that she felt more secure and would sleep forever when she was as close to us as possible. This little nest allows your baby to sleep close, but be protected from the deep sleepers. It even has a little night light at the top, music, and white noise. I also look forward to using it for travel because it folds right up and has a handle on it!

I absolutely love these blankets/swaddles! They are so soft, and super big. I also plan to use them as a scarf once I don't need them as blankets, so I feel they will serve beyond being baby items!

I know a manual pump sounds like more work, but it has been another game changer for me. I have an electric Medela pump, but I hated having to set it up, have a place to plug it in, and just the fuss of it all was preventing me from wanting to pump. So, even though it requires you to have a hand occupied, I find it so much easier. It's also super quiet, so I tend to use it at night/early morning when my boobs are the fullest. It also has 2 main parts that you use, so if you have extra parts from your electric pump its super easy to clean and have ready. I also find it feels better on my nipples, and I get the same amount of milk in about the same amount of time. This will also be great for long flights, travel, and returning to work.

This is again an item that I had for a week or so before I realized how useful it was! One of my friends showed me how to use the wrap so that I could wear my little one and be able to have free use of both hands to do things around the house. She also loves to nap on me, so being able to wear her is perfect! Every mother needs some kind of way to wear their baby if they want some freedom to get things done, or to walk where you might not be able to use a stroller.

I didn't even initial register for this gift, and one of my friends sent it to us. It's perfect for your infants development. Its a nice size for your baby to grip with their early grip reflex. It's also easier for them to see since it's black and white, and has different colors that it flashes. It as has a mirror on the bottom for your baby to see themselves. I've been having some fun working with Tessa on how to play with it!

My husband says my spirit animal is a squirrel because I always tote random things that I want near me around the house. So, this little caddy is great to keep the essentials near me when I'm breast feeding. I love all the pockets, and the dividers. I can carry all the things I want from room to room depending on where I've decided to sit for awhile with the baby.

I hope that these products help you with finding the best stuff for your registry, or if you need ideas for your next baby shower!


Natasha & Tessa

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