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Mobile Project for Nursery

I really wanted to make my own mobile for over my daughter's crib. I couldn't find 1 exact project that I liked the best so I did a little picking and choosing and came up with this one!

I'll share the links to the crochet patterns that I used and a quick run down of how I assembled it.

I picked this pattern for the owls because they were exactly what I was looking for in the stuffed owl family! I think she had an update in her instructions to make sure you sew the eyes on before you stuff the owls. I sewed on the eyes and the nose before I stuffed. The wings are easier to put on after you stuff and close it up!

I felt like wanted a few more objects to hang from the mobile so I found a cute cloud Amigurumi here. It's a crocheting pattern as well, and super easy to follow!

I made the circular crochet pattern that is similar to doing a traditional granny square from this pattern that I bought on Etsy. It was $4.70, but she seems to always have some kind of discount going on if you buy more patterns at one time, which I ended up doing since her patterns were super cute! This pattern also included the instructions for the feathers. Mine didn't quite come out looking like hers, might have been the yarn I was using, not sure. I used different colors, but you could use one solid yarn color if you wanted. I share the other supplies I used, such as the embroidery circle I used for this one.

Assembling was just cutting up some thread to attach to each owl, and cloud, and then tying it to the finished mobile. I had my husband help so that it it came out level. I had attached about 8 similar length yarn threads evenly spaced to come together for the above portion. I also used one of those car key chain circles I had lying around the house.

Supplies needed:

- Yarn in variety of colors (you can choose, I had a bunch of yarn that I've amassed over the years. I couldn't tell you the brand or name color of the ones I chose!)

- Scissors

- Embroidery Hoop (I only used the inner circle, so I can do another project with the outer portion)

- Crochet patterns: Owls (Free), Cloud (Free), and Dream Catcher ($4.70)

I enjoyed making it, and they don't really take much time at all!

Let me know if you make your own mobile!!



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